Self-Awareness ā€“ A Key Milestone in the Journey to Living Your Best Life
Jul 03, 2023How aware are you of what makes you tick?
Are you often frustrated with people?
Discover the keys to understanding your triggers and managing your emotions effectively.
Before I became a coach, I had very strong opinions about many things and I would often share my opinions quite vocally without much thought of how they might be perceived or received by others. Looking back I realise that I unintentionally hurt a lot of people and my forthrightness and judgement of others also impacted my ability to network (*) and build deeper relationships.
Over a decade ago now, my life changed dramatically. I made the decision to change career direction and invested in The Art & Science of Coaching, a program offered through Erickson International College, one of the best known and most respected coach training institutes in the world. As part of our training, our cohort practiced our coaching skills on one another and I began to really get to know myself on a deeper level. I understood my values and how they impacted my decisions and my judgements about other people. I learned about my view of the world and came to understand that it was my own unique perspective and while some aspects of my values and beliefs were shared with others, many were not and that didn’t make them wrong. I learned what I needed in my life to feel fulfilled and I discovered my best strengths, the ones I really enjoy using. I believe that having this type of self-knowledge is the foundation for living your best life.
I became much more self-aware and found I was better able to see other people’s points of view, manage my emotions, make stronger connections and experience more joy in my life. Now I help others discover their underlying beliefs and values and reflect on how they impact their lives. Awareness is power.
I’m still on a journey of self-discovery – there’s always more to learn.
You can learn more about yourself from online courses, through self-help books and workshops and of course you can always work with a professional coach.
If you’re ready to build the foundation for creating your best life, please consider inviting me to support you and book a complimentary 20 minute meeting over zoom. I’d love to learn about where you’re at in your journey of self-discovery and I'll be able to recommend the resources that are most appropriate for you.
(*) Networking is now something I’m passionate about. I’ve even developed a course called Networking for Success Learn More
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