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A Critical Skill for a New Grad

career growth networking personal growth professional growth May 27, 2024

I was recently invited to speak to new grads from a tech program for newcomers to Canada and share some sage advice and hopefully motivate them to take action and move forward with the next stage of their life and career.

When I look back to when I first graduated, the one thing I wish someone had told me was how important it is to build and maintain a supportive network. It can make a world of difference to the breadth of opportunities presented to you, it can help you keep on top of industry trends and your network can provide valuable advice and support in the face of challenges.

I had been brought up to believe that hard work would be rewarded and I certainly worked hard. I’m not suggesting that if you’re good at networking, you don’t have to work hard, but what I do know is that with the right network, more doors will open for you.

Networking is challenging for many people and I was one of them, until I changed my perspective to being curious rather than selling myself, planned what I might say to others, including having open ended questions to encourage conversation and got out there and practiced my networking.

If there was only one additional skill you could bestow on a new grad, the ability to network effectively would be a powerful choice.

If you know of young person who will be graduating soon, or who has graduated and is struggling with finding work in their field, I invite you to consider encouraging them to invest in my Networking for Success online course which comes with a private community where graduates can hone their skills in a warm and welcoming environment.

Perhaps you’re looking for a unique graduation gift for someone you care about.

The benefits from completing this course will truly last a lifetime. Up to 50% or more of job openings are filled by word of mouth referrals. People who build a strong network have access to the hidden job market, are better able to prepare for interviews and are more attuned to what’s going on in their industry.

Maybe you’d like to enjoy these benefits too?

I invite you to check out my Networking for Success and online community and master this skill. Invest in this course for yourself, or someone you care about. It will pay dividends in both your personal and professional life for a lifetime.

Find Out More HERE

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